July 24th, 2020 - 9.7nm, 2h41m, Bft. 3-4 W/NW, Sea 0.5-1m
It's hard to get out of the new box with W/NW winds (from aft) - it's the first time I really notice backing with the Vega is really random, the steering doesn't do anything. As I once heard the guy from Sailing Uma saying, you have to be patient over all the time when the boat is random, before it starts doing what you want. As a result, I crashed into the post of my own box when trying to forward and "turn on the spot", and I broke the green/stb nav light. Thankfully it's only this. Other than tht, I had a nice sail to de Kreupel and back, without circumnavigating it. Getting back in the box was harder than usual, because I didn't slow the boat enough.