Degreasing it took around 2hrs, and I've done it with a very hard sponge - which makes it unnecessary to sand the old AntiFouling paint. But I had not idea that the old AntiFouling paint is so disolveable, at least when in contact with the degreaser solution.
While waiting for the hull to dry, I've done some shopping: got this little fellow that's supposed to keep me warm at night:
And a new bucket and some LED lights to replace the old ones. 1.5W instead of 10W for the same light!!! Fun fact: traditionally, the navigation lights have been using white lightbulbs and a green/red/white enclusure that changed the light color. Not possible with LEDs anynore, since white LED light + green enclosure gives blue light. So there are special green/red LEDs for navigation lights.
Painting the hull was a major undertaking, I had to dress up with a protection suit, breathing mask, protective glasses and gloves. And the process took forever, something like 3.30hrs and it got dark etc. I have no idea how it turned out, I guess tomorrow's the day. One thing is for sure, next time the boat will get out of the water, I'll have to scrap all the paint layers and redo everything. There were sections which were a mess - old paint came down when I painted new layers over it. Now you can see at least 3 different colors of old paint: white, blue, red and the latest was black, which is what I've used this time too...
Today I've also repaired the compass, it's fixed in the cockpit wall to the cabin and the wall always got wet, so I took the compass out and put a band of butill tape all around, hopefully it'll keep the water out now.